Changing the Face of Orange County 2020

Year: 2001

Client: Orange County Council of Governments

Location: Orange County, California, USA

Awards: Award Winning Entry, 2001 International Planning & Urban Design Competition, California Council of Governments, Orange County


UDP International proposed a sustainable Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in Orange County, California. We analyzed its impact on transportation, land use distribution and development patterns for the International Planning and Urban Design Competition. We proposed sustainable development strategies that included densification of development around transit nodes, or transit-first strategies, such as free bus, paid parking, and so on, to promote and increase transit ridership and decrease automobile traffic.

Our vision was to make Orange County a place with multiple centers, offering a greater number of choices, connectivity, mobility and affordability to its people, where mixed development communities at higher densities are encouraged. The proposal was to develop communities and centres within walking distances that promote better social interaction, and minimize the automobile dominated roads and the need for multiple short trips. The County would continue to enjoy the benefits of its beautiful natural environment, ethnic composition, entrepreneurial climate and hi-tech economic diversity. More importantly, the residents would enjoy the benefits of choice of mobility and flexibility of housing, work place, schooling, shopping, and recreation and leisure activities.

* In association with Norman Phung, AIA


Graham Street Market Alternative Proposal