About Us
Our Founder
Dr. Sujata S. Govada is an award-winning qualified urban designer and certified town planner with over 35 years of international experience in the region and beyond. She is extensively involved in several award-winning projects and competitions including the Central Harbourfront Master Plan, the Harbourfront Connectivity Study and Alternative Peel Street Graham Street Urban Regeneration Plan in Hong Kong, Naya Dharavi and IT Park Master Plan in India. She also worked on several strategic and transit projects and the ULI 10 Principles for large scale integrated developments in Hong Kong and sustainable development of Metro Manila which were very well received. She was Project Lead and Report Author for ULI’s Ten Principles for a Sustainable Approach to New Development in Hong Kong and the Ten Principles for Sustainable Development of Metro Manila’s New Urban Core. Over the years Dr. Govada has worked on numerous design and planning projects in Hong Kong, China, the Philippines, US and India.
Dr. Govada also started the Institute for Sustainable Urbanisation (ISU) to spread awareness of sustainability, planning and urban design excellence, smart and sustainable city research, teaching and creating new opportunities working with industry organizations such as ULI, HKIUD, APA, AIA and many more. Some of her recent projects include Kai Tak Sports Park in Hong Kong, various waterfront development master plans in the Philippines and the Urban Design and Architectural Guidelines for the New Capital City for Andhra Pradesh in India. She also worked on the initial concept of the Adaptive Reuse of Police Married Quarters in Hong Kong, and Urban Integration and Station Related Development for the Hyderabad Metro, a new mass transit network in India. Dr. Govada was a representative member of the Harbour Commission and the founding Vice President of the Hong Kong Institute of Urban Design that she was instrumental in forming. She is also an Adjunct Professor at the School of Architecture, the Chinese University of Hong Kong teaching for the Master of Urban Design program which she helped establish. Prior to this she also taught in the masters programs in Urban Planning and Urban Design including thesis supervision at the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the University of Hong Kong.
Our Philosophy
Our Philosophy is rooted in the core principle that Strategic & Master Planning spearheads the development process and sets the stage for effective strategic vision and policy framework that shape the development and transformation of a city. The impacts of planning and engineering decisions and the limitations of two-dimensional plans further highlight the importance of urban design. Planning with an Urban Design & Place Making emphasis with a focus on “People, Place and Planet” results in a more coherent urban form and structure including new and waterfront development, Transit and Pedestrian Oriented Development (TPOD) with sensitive urban regeneration and heritage conservation to ensure cultural continuity and urban vibrancy. Planning Applications & Development Feasibility studies support potential new developments and redevelopments for government approval.
Our Approach
Architecture, Interiors & Landscape Design with a focus on human experience allows us to create innovative and sustainable built environments. Urban design and place making provides the critical link between planning and architecture; ensuring the creation of successful waterfronts, sensible and sustainable urban development and redevelopments that are sensitive to community needs and local aspirations through effective Community Outreach & Public Engagement.
Using a collaborative place-based sustainable development approach, integrated design works at the regional, city, district, neighborhood and street scale, considering the impacts of engineering, transportation and urban planning including other related disciplines in formulating effective Place Branding & Marketing strategies and an overall sense of place, health and well-being. Smart and Sustainable City Research, Design Review, Urban Design and Architectural Guidelines, as well as Sustainability and Impact Assessments support these ideas and help bring them into reality through phased implementation. These services, along with effective control of development and balancing new construction with existing structures, ensure successful city development. Across all our services offered, we ensure that important visual corridors are retained to augment the unique character of a place; engaging the public, further enhancing the image, identity, visual quality, vibrancy, and creating walkable, livable, affordable, smart, sustainable and resilient cities in the region and worldwide.