Adaptive Reuse of Police Married Quarters

Creative Cluster, Central

Year : 2009

Client: Private Developer

Location: Central, Hong Kong

Site Area: ~0.6 ha

Our Vision - Cultural Triangle

The Former Police Married Quarters (PMQ) was one of the eight buildings indicated for adaptive reuse announced in the 2009 Policy Address by the Hong Kong Government. Given their location and close proximity with the Central Business District, we saw the PMQ’s massive potential both in housing lodging facilities and the creative industries. The Central Market has been planned as a Central Oasis celebrating the Chinese, Asian and Western culinary culture of Hong Kong, and the Central Police Station has been sensitively redeveloped to celebrate the arts and culture. These three adaptive reuse buildings could form a Cultural Triangle to further enhance the Government’s Conservation of Central, Hong Kong.

The site’s initial temple/town hall, Central School/Queens College and Police Married Quarters heritage, potential use for the creative industries, and current community aspirations for more sustainable, eco-friendly green development became key drivers for the design concept for the site. Our concept was to intertwine these five strands together to create the “Living Heritage” within the dense urban context of Hong Kong. The site would be transformed into a Centre for the Creative Industries by offering diversified uses such as studios, galleries and shops including lodging facilities exploring potential community aspirations and needs within the district, and featuring eco-friendly green development. The aim of the design was to celebrate creative arts for all age groups so as to further nurture the community.


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